PWAnalytics Class Reference
Inherits from | NSObject |
Declared in | PWAnalytics.h |
enables easy implementation of application workflow analytics. MaaSAnalytics supports standard analytics events, timed events and event parameters.
Event Methods
+ addCustomEvent:
Add an event to the analytics queue.
+ (void)addCustomEvent:(NSString *__nonnull)eventName
eventName |
Name of the event. |
Declared In
+ addCustomEvent:withParameters:
Add an event to the analytics queue. Parameters must follow these rules: (1) Keys and values must be NSString objects. (2) There may be no more than 5 parameters. Extra parameters will be ignored. (3) Each key or value that is longer than 40 characters will be truncated on server.
+ (void)addCustomEvent:(NSString *__nonnull)eventName withParameters:(NSDictionary<NSString*,NSString*> *__nullable)parameters
eventName |
Name of the event. |
parameters |
Declared In
+ setScreenName:
Set a screen name for automatic screen view events. This should be set in the viewWillAppear
callback of your view controller before calling super viewWillAppear
+ (void)setScreenName:(NSString *__nonnull)screenName
screenName |
Screen name for the view event. |
Declared In
+ setAppSection:
Set an app section for automatic screen view events. This should be set in the viewWillAppear
callback of your view controller before calling super viewWillAppear
+ (void)setAppSection:(NSString *__nullable)appSection
appSection |
App section for the view event. |
Declared In
+ setGlobalParameters:
Set global parameters for all events. This should be set in the viewWillAppear
callback of your view controller before calling super viewWillAppear
+ (void)setGlobalParameters:(NSDictionary<NSString*,NSString*> *__nullable)parameters
parameters |
Parameters included for all events until cleared. |
Declared In
+ enableAutomaticScreenViewEvents:
Determines whether automatic screen views are captured.
+ (void)enableAutomaticScreenViewEvents:(BOOL)enable
enable |
Will automatically capture screen view events or not. Defaults to enabled. |
Declared In
+ addEvent:
Add an event to the analytics queue.
+ (void)addEvent:(NSString *__nonnull)eventName
eventName |
Name of the event. |
Declared In
+ addEvent:eventNamespace:
Add an event to the analytics queue.
+ (void)addEvent:(NSString *__nonnull)eventName eventNamespace:(NSString *__nonnull)eventNamespace
eventName |
Name of the event. |
eventNamespace |
The namespace of the analytic event. Used for custom event processing. |
Declared In
+ addEvent:withParameters:
Add an event to the analytics queue. Parameters must follow these rules:
(1) Keys and values must be NSString
(2) There may be no more than 10 parameters. Extra parameters will be ignored.
(3) Each key or value that is longer than 256 characters will be truncated.
+ (void)addEvent:(NSString *__nonnull)eventName withParameters:(NSDictionary<NSString*,NSString*> *__nullable)parameters
eventName |
Name of the event. |
parameters |
Declared In
+ addEvent:withParameters:eventNamespace:
Add an event to the analytics queue. Parameters must follow these rules:
(1) Keys and values must be NSString
(2) There may be no more than 10 parameters. Extra parameters will be ignored.
(3) Each key or value that is longer than 256 characters will be truncated.
+ (void)addEvent:(NSString *__nonnull)eventName withParameters:(NSDictionary<NSString*,NSString*> *__nullable)parameters eventNamespace:(NSString *__nullable)eventNamespace
eventName |
Name of the event. |
parameters |
eventNamespace |
The namespace of the analytic event. Used for custom event processing. |
Declared In
+ startTimedEvent:
Start a timed event. Calling startTimedEvent:
with the same eventName
prior to endTimedEvent:
will overwrite the previous start time.
+ (void)startTimedEvent:(NSString *__nonnull)eventName
eventName |
Name of the event to start. |
Declared In
+ startTimedEvent:eventNamespace:
Start a timed event. Calling startTimedEvent:
with the same eventName
prior to endTimedEvent:
will overwrite the previous start time.
+ (void)startTimedEvent:(NSString *__nonnull)eventName eventNamespace:(NSString *__nullable)eventNamespace
eventName |
Name of the event to start. |
eventNamespace |
The namespace of the analytic event. Used for custom event processing. |
Declared In
+ startTimedEvent:withParameters:
Start a timed event with the specified parameters. Calling startTimedEvent:
with the same eventName
prior to endTimedEvent:
will overwrite the previous start time. Parameters must follow these rules:
(1) Keys and values must be NSString
(2) There may be no more than 10 parameters. Extra parameters will be ignored.
(3) Each key or value that is longer than 256 characters will be truncated.
+ (void)startTimedEvent:(NSString *__nonnull)eventName withParameters:(NSDictionary<NSString*,NSString*> *__nullable)parameters
eventName |
Name of the event to start. |
parameters |
Declared In
+ startTimedEvent:withParameters:eventNamespace:
Start a timed event with the specified parameters. Calling startTimedEvent:
with the same eventName
prior to endTimedEvent:
will overwrite the previous start time. Parameters must follow these rules:
(1) Keys and values must be NSString
(2) There may be no more than 10 parameters. Extra parameters will be ignored.
(3) Each key or value that is longer than 256 characters will be truncated.
+ (void)startTimedEvent:(NSString *__nonnull)eventName withParameters:(NSDictionary<NSString*,NSString*> *__nullable)parameters eventNamespace:(NSString *__nullable)eventNamespace
eventName |
Name of the event to start. |
parameters |
eventNamespace |
The namespace of the analytic event. Used for custom event processing. |
Declared In
+ pauseTimedEvent:
Pause a timed event with the specified eventName
. If an event is ended while still in a paused state, then the paused time will be used as the end time. If an event is already paused, this method will do nothing.
+ (void)pauseTimedEvent:(NSString *__nonnull)eventName
eventName |
The name of the event to pause. |
Declared In
+ resumeTimedEvent:
Resume a timed event with the specified eventName
. If an event is ended while still in a paused state, then the paused time will be used as the end time. If an event is already paused, this method will do nothing.
+ (void)resumeTimedEvent:(NSString *__nonnull)eventName
eventName |
The name of the event to resume. |
Declared In
+ endTimedEvent:
End a timed event with the specified eventName
. The event will be ignored if the event duration is less than one second. This method will do nothing if the event name cannot be found.
+ (void)endTimedEvent:(NSString *__nonnull)eventName
eventName |
The name of the event to end. |
Declared In
+ endTimedEvent:withParameters:
End a timed event with the specified eventName
. The event will be ignored if the event duration is less than one second. This method will do nothing if the event name cannot be found. Parameters must follow these rules:
(1) Keys and values must be NSString
(2) There may be no more than 10 parameters. Extra parameters will be ignored.
(3) Each key or value that is longer than 256 characters will be truncated.
+ (void)endTimedEvent:(NSString *__nonnull)eventName withParameters:(NSDictionary<NSString*,NSString*> *__nullable)parameters
eventName |
The name of the event to end. |
parameters |
Declared In
+ endTimedEvent:withParameters:eventNamespace:
End a timed event with the specified eventName
. The event will be ignored if the event duration is less than one second. This method will do nothing if the event name cannot be found. Parameters must follow these rules:
(1) Keys and values must be NSString
(2) There may be no more than 10 parameters. Extra parameters will be ignored.
(3) Each key or value that is longer than 256 characters will be truncated.
+ (void)endTimedEvent:(NSString *__nonnull)eventName withParameters:(NSDictionary<NSString*,NSString*> *__nullable)parameters eventNamespace:(NSString *__nullable)eventNamespace
eventName |
The name of the event to end. |
parameters |
eventNamespace |
The namespace of the analytic event. Used for custom event processing. |
Declared In