PWCore Class Reference
Inherits from | NSObject |
Declared in | PWCore.h |
Required Methods
+ setApplicationID:accessKey:signatureKey:
Initializes PWCore and all associated MaaS modules. This method should be called inside application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
before you do anything else.
+ (void)setApplicationID:(NSString *)applicationID accessKey:(NSString *)accessKey signatureKey:(NSString *)signatureKey
applicationID |
You can find your Application ID in the MaaS portal. |
accessKey |
A unique key that identifies the client making the request. You can find your Access Key in the MaaS portal. |
signatureKey |
A unique key that is used to sign requests. The signature is used to both check request authorization as well as data integrity. You can find your Signature Key in the MaaS portal. |
Declared In
+ setApplicationID:accessKey:signatureKey:encryptionKey:
This method has been deprecated. Use setApplicationID:accessKey:signatureKey: instead.
+ (void)setApplicationID:(NSString *)applicationID accessKey:(NSString *)accessKey signatureKey:(NSString *)signatureKey encryptionKey:(NSString *)encryptionKey
applicationID |
You can find your Application ID in the MaaS portal. |
accessKey |
A unique key that identifies the client making the request. You can find your Access Key in the MaaS portal. |
signatureKey |
A unique key that is used to sign requests. The signature is used to both check request authorization as well as data integrity. You can find your Signature Key in the MaaS portal. |
encryptionKey |
A unique encryption key this is no longer required. set empty string. |
Declared In
+ registerModule:version:withCompletion:
This method registers the module and its version.
+ (void)registerModule:(NSString *)moduleName version:(NSString *)version withCompletion:(void ( ^ ) ( NSError *error ))completion
moduleName |
The name of the dependent module to be registered. |
version |
version number for the module |
completion |
The completion block to be called. |
Declared In
+ getAllRegisteredModules
Returns a dictionary of registered modules.
+ (NSDictionary *)getAllRegisteredModules
Declared In
+ getVersionForModule:
Returns version number for a registered module.
+ (NSString *)getVersionForModule:(NSString *)moduleName
moduleName |
The name of the dependent module to be registered. |
Declared In
+ enableLocationAccess:
Determines whether location updates are permitted.
+ (void)enableLocationAccess:(BOOL)enable
enable |
Will permit location updates and include location information in analytic events. Default is enabled. |
Declared In
+ isLocationAccessEnabled
Returns whether location updates are permitted.
+ (BOOL)isLocationAccessEnabled
Declared In
+ setAnalyticsApplicationID:accessKey:signatureKey:
+ (void)setAnalyticsApplicationID:(NSString *)applicationID accessKey:(NSString *)accessKey signatureKey:(NSString *)signatureKey
+ authorizationHeaderWithRequestBody:httpMethod:
+ (NSString *__nonnull)authorizationHeaderWithRequestBody:(NSData *__nonnull)requestBody httpMethod:(NSString *__nonnull)httpMethod
+ buildRequestWithRequest:
+ (NSMutableURLRequest *__nonnull)buildRequestWithRequest:(NSMutableURLRequest *__nonnull)request
+ sendInternalAnalyticsPayload:completion:
+ (void)sendInternalAnalyticsPayload:(NSDictionary *__nonnull)payload completion:(void ( ^ __nullable ) ( NSError *__nullable error ))completion
+ sendExtraAnalyticsPayload:completion:
+ (void)sendExtraAnalyticsPayload:(NSDictionary *__nonnull)payload completion:(void ( ^ __nullable ) ( NSError *__nullable error ))completion
+ registerPhunwareModule:version:withCompletion:
+ (void)registerPhunwareModule:(NSString *__nonnull)moduleName version:(NSString *__nonnull)version withCompletion:(void ( ^ __nullable ) ( NSError *__nullable error ))completion
+ encryptData:withKey:
+ (NSData *_Nullable)encryptData:(NSData *__nonnull)data withKey:(NSString *__nonnull)key
+ decryptData:withKey:
+ (NSData *_Nullable)decryptData:(NSData *__nonnull)data withKey:(NSString *__nonnull)key