PWMEZoneMessage Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to NSCopying
Declared in PWMEZoneMessage.h


A PWZoneMessage is a communication (generally marketing-related) sent from the server.


Returns the alert title of this message.

@property (readonly, nonnull) NSString *alertTitle

Return Value

The alert title of this message.

Declared In



Returns the alert body of this message.

@property (readonly, nonnull) NSString *alertBody

Return Value

The alert body of this message.

Declared In



Returns the promotion title of this message.

@property (readonly, nullable) NSString *promotionTitle

Return Value

The promotion title of this message.

Declared In



Returns the promotion body of this message. The value returned by this method is usually HTML.

@property (readonly, nullable) NSString *promotionBody

Return Value

The body of this message.


To mark this message as read, pass this message to the PWMEZoneMessageManager readMessage: method.

Declared In



Returns the metadata associated with the message.

@property (readonly, nonnull) NSDictionary<NSString*id> *metaData

Return Value

Returns the metadata of this message.

Declared In



Returns the internal unique identifier of the message. This identifier also idenfities the campaign this message was sent for.

@property (readonly, nullable) NSString *identifier

Return Value

The internal unique identifier message.


There can be at most one message associated with a campaign at any given time.

Declared In



A string containing the campaign type of the message.

@property (readonly, nonnull) NSString *campaignType

Return Value

A string containing the campaign type of the message.

Declared In



Returns the timestamp identifying when the message is saved.

@property (readonly, nullable) NSDate *timestamp

Return Value

the timestamp identifying when the message is saved.

Declared In
